As part of our efforts to get as many children as possible taking part in active lessons, Teach Active has partnered with the Stevenage Sporting Futures Team who have visited 9 schools over 2 weeks delivering active sessions to an amazing 422 pupils.
Our Motty Mascot went with them every step of the way!
We’re here @Woolenwickinf for the first session of the @TeachActive Active Maths Festival Week🧮🏃♀️
— Stevenage SFT (@stevenageSFT) May 9, 2022
We are visiting 9️⃣ schools over the next 2️⃣ weeks to deliver active sessions to Year 1 linked to their mathematics curriculum💪♾
Motty the mascot looks forward to updating you👏
6️⃣0️⃣ children from @Woolenwickinf took part in our 1st session for our @TeachActive Maths festivals in schools🧮📕
— Stevenage SFT (@stevenageSFT) May 9, 2022
🗣Positive comments from the children and staff, especially with how engaged the children were during their PE/maths lesson this morning🔢🏃
Motty had great fun🏵
Mottys second visit of the week is to @LetchmoreInfant to deliver the @TeachActive Maths Festival to their Year 1 children🤸➗✖️
— Stevenage SFT (@stevenageSFT) May 10, 2022
We have been focusing on physical activity combined with counting, fractions, addition, subtraction, more than and less then🧮🎗💪
Well done to all👏
Third and final visit of the week is to Giles Infants with their turn for the @TeachActive Maths Festival week for infant schools👶➗
— Stevenage SFT (@stevenageSFT) May 11, 2022
Motty enjoyed spending the morning with children who were very engaged and focused on their Maths and PE lesson, showing off their knowledge🧮💪
Our second week of the @TeachActive Maths Festival kicked off at The Leys this morning with their 2️⃣ Year 1 classes🏃➕
— Stevenage SFT (@stevenageSFT) May 16, 2022
Motty will join a further 6️⃣ schools for #activelearning through PE and Maths🧮💪
Huge thanks to @TeachActive for all their support and fantastic resources✏️
Another 2️⃣ schools visited this morning - Codicote and Shepalbury Park Schools🧮
— Stevenage SFT (@stevenageSFT) May 18, 2022
INCREDIBLE to see all of the Year 1 children fully engaged in their learning🏵🏃
They worked through maths questions linked to ordering, more than, less than, halves and much more♾➗
Well done👏
Our @TeachActive Maths festival week in numbers🔢🧮
— Stevenage SFT (@stevenageSFT) May 23, 2022
Year 1️⃣
9️⃣ schools
4️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ children led to
Stevenage are the first SGO area to offer in school provision of this kind in partnership with @TeachActive🥇
Children enjoying problem solving, addition, fractions and much more➗🏃♂️
"The Teach Active Maths Festival week has allowed us to give schools an alternative provision, outside of the usual sporty opportunities. Students were fully engaged in all of the activities and staff members commented on the focus of the children and the increased engagement in maths activities. Thank you to Teach Active for supporting this extended provision within Stevenage."
Regan Carolan, Partnership Manager, School Games Organiser
Stevenage Sporting Futures Team

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