Engage, enthuse and enrich your children through active learning
Introduce active learning into your classroom with our multi-award winning resource that provides schools and teachers with lesson plans and resources designed to deliver the Maths and English curriculum through physically active learning.
Easy to introduce and proven to raise standards
3,500 lesson plans and resources
High quality plans and resources written by Maths and English consultants that actively engage students in the learning process.
Mapped to the primary curriculum
Easy-to-use Active Maths and English lesson plans for primary school teachers that are aligned to Development Matters, Early Learning Goals and the National Curriculum.
Full Maths and English coverage for every objective
A range of content to ensure your pupils master, retain and confidently recall key skills.
Reception to year 6
Supports whole class work and interventions. Can be delivered by teachers, teaching assistants and/or support staff.
280 active homework plans
Fun and engaging games and activities for parents to access online and play at home.
FREE staff training/CPD
Online whole school training provided to introduce Teach Active and ensure maximum impact for your staff and pupils.
Teach Active in numbers
Teachers registered
Lesson views
Children reached
Schools reached
Countries reached
*Numbers last updated 20/06/2023
Pupil Benefits
Raises attitudes & attainment to Maths/English
Research-led with a proven impact on raising enjoyment, self-esteem and achievement.
Increases levels of physical activity
Allows children to meet and exceed government recommendations in a purposeful way.
Supports whole child development
Recognised in developing social skills, teamwork, resilience, determination, and happiness!
Teacher Benefits
Saves hours of lesson planning time
Welcomed by busy teachers and allowing active learning to become sustainable and achievable within the curriculum.
Supports outstanding teaching
Gives teachers the tools, ideas, and resources to plan and deliver outstanding maths and English lessons using active learning approaches that are loved by staff and pupils!
Complements any scheme of work
Designed to sit alongside, enhance and complement your existing planning or scheme of work.