Case Study

Active Maths is the best type of Maths!


Active Maths is the best type of Maths!

How to inspire PPG children!

Lockdown has not only had an impact on children’s learning but also on their overall mental health and wellbeing. We therefore decided that targeting PPG children was a fantastic way to get them active whilst still learning.

How did we decide what area of the curriculum to focus on?

With so many different areas of the curriculum that we could focus on it was incredibly hard to pick! We therefore asked the children to select what areas of maths they found the most tricky as well as recapping areas of maths that we covered during home learning and lockdown. This enabled the children to feel like they had control over their learning by covering areas of the curriculum they felt less confident in!

The impact!

It was incredible to see how quickly over the space of 6 weeks the childrens confidence in maths had grown. They were able to recall the activities we had participated in our after-school club and were then able to use them in our actual fluency lessons. They didn't realise that maths could be this fun and they were hooked from the start!

Incorporating it across the school.

After seeing the success of the children selected to trial this programme, we then had a healthy schools week which saw every year group from EYFS to year 6 participate in multiple different sessions. All the feedback was fantastic about how easy and straightforward the plans were to use are definitely something we will continue to use across the next academic year!

What an absolutely fantastic programme this was to use and I wish I had thought about using it myself! Whenever someone says to you "oh could you make this lesson more active", you think of a few ideas but then you hit a brick wall. I had never realised there were so many different ways that you could make a lesson active. You don't even have to think about it, you log on, go to the area of the curriculum you want to focus on and Bobs your uncle it is all there for you and ready to go! The activities make great starters and tools for revision sessions. I particularly love the spelling resources as I always found it hard to make a spelling lesson fun but these simple ideas have changed my classes attitude towards spelling! I couldn't praise Teach Active more for such an incredible resource!

Rebecca Oliver Year 4 teacher & PE lead.

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